
Killing Cops Not the Answer, ‘We Gotta Stop Killing Ourselves’

“Let’s see, this advertisement for a Houma Police officer says rookie starting pay is $33,000 a year”, one researcher says. Yet all major movements take time and this is just unfortunately going to take more time and patience than most us of would like.


Americans’ opinions about policing are sharply divided along racial lines. 89% of death were caused by gun shot wounds, 4% were tasered-related, 4% were deaths in custody following physical confrontation and 3% due to people struck by police cars.

In the 1990s, in the aftermath of shooting of a black teenager by a white cop in Teaneck, a variety of African-Americans, from seniors to young adults, said they felt singled out for excessive traffic stops by the town’s police.

Finally, and most important, we are capable of understanding that complex problems like strained police-minority relations require complex solutions. And that includes our police departments. Both police departments had used violent and unnecessary forces towards citizens. Young, 33, patrolled the streets of Dallas for six years before leaving in May to join the nearby Rowlett Police Department, where the starting salary is $50,471.

Gavin Eugene Long, 29, used an assault rifle to shoot police on Sunday morning, ambushing them at a gas station on his 29th birthday.

For example, one of the most risky calls that any cop can get is a report of domestic violence, where a female victim might, one minute, shout expletives at her husband and, the next minute, fight officers who try to arrest him. But if it’s anything like its peers at other police departments, there are lots of things it can do. There were reports that the Cleveland police department were engaging in a pattern of using unreasonable and unnecessary force.

It’s a situation that’s not all that dissimilar to that of former New York Mayor Rudy Guiliani, who wasn’t at all as well-regarded on September 10, 2001 as he was following his own fairly wonderful response in the wake of one of our nation’s biggest tragedies – to the extent that Time went on to call him “Mayor of the World” when they named him their Person of the Year for 2001.

It would also be helpful if we resisted knee-jerk reactions and the frenzied invective of the social media/Twitter mobs-as a police officer friend of mine reminded, the police having to use force against someone resisting arrest or threatening others with violence never makes for a pretty cell-phone video, but those video snippets, often torn out of context and without the capacity to convey the full circumstances that might explain events, are all that many people see, or are interested in seeing.

The Edison department’s PBA president, Michael Schwarz, said in the face of such senseless violence in Dallas, Edison is very proud to show “unconditional, unwavering support for our brothers and sisters in blue and for their families”. Now, he had to do just that not once but five times in one day. Before all the therapy, the doctors and you eventually being sober. He wants the president and Congress to convene a national conversation on race and police brutality, and to make sure local officials are involved. (How many people, for instance, still think Michael Brown actually said “hands up, don’t shoot” in Ferguson, Mo.?) By that point, too many people have made too great an investment in the lies. When there is a police shooting and a Governor or chief of polices address the media, by saying and I quote, “I am deeply sadden, shocked and surprised that this happened”.

“In order to make progress, we have to put some concrete things in place”, said Glover, who has served 35 years with the department.

The Monmouth County Sherriff’s Office held a candlelight vigil at the Monmouth County Police Academy in Freehold on July 11 to honor the Dallas officers.

Hayman’s relative is Jesus Retana, 39, an officer of the Dallas Area Rapid Transit police. “The officers that died gave the ultimate sacrifice, while they’re doing their job”.

David Brown Jr., 27-years-old at the time, had killed a police officer earlier in the day. “Everybody’s lives matter, but it’s true that black people are more likely to get shot by police than others”.

After the shooting on Tuesday, several units rushed to the scene and set up a police cordon as they searched for the shooters, and officers were stationed at bridges to look for the Nissan.

“I don’t understand why people think it’s OK to kill police officers”, he said in a CNN interview. Yeah, that’s a bad idea.

“Does he know that I work here?”


Presstitutes treat killings by police as acts of racism, and that is the way the public sees them. Schools fail: Let’s give it to the cops. “If I pull someone over and need you to cover me, you might not, ‘” he said.

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch testifies before a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington