
Kim Kardashian Joins Matt Damon In Space! Watch Ellen DeGeneres’ HIGHlarious

It’s because “ur” sounds like “your” and “anus” sounds like… look, we know you understand.


As her unique way to introduce her audience members to Matt’s new movie, Ellen DeGeneres teamed up with Kim Kardashian West and Matt to shoot a amusing spoof of the movie’s trailer – “Stuck on Uranus“.

In The Martian sequel, Matt Damon is headed to Uranus!

The clip even features a brief cameo from “An Expert” Kim Kardashian.

With that last name, you probably got the joke in the title of the faux-sequel already. Kim says in the trailer.

That might actually be funnier than all the Uranus jokes in the universe. “I’m left with only one option, I’m going to have explore the surface of Uranus”.

The trailer cuts to DeGeneres, who plays the head of NASA.


“No matter what happens, tell the world, tell my family, in that I never stopped fighting…to get off of Uranus”, Matt states.

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