
Kim Zolciak Recovering From Heart Surgery

Kim Zolciak is on the mend after she experienced quite the health scare this year. “I can’t wait to be back on my feet 100%!”


Real Housewife Kim Zolciak tweeted a photo of herself in her hospital gown with this message: “My heart surgery was a success!!”

Along with the photo, she gushed: ‘My️ surgery was a success!!

Luckily, Zolciak’s medical team caught it in time, and before it did any further damage to her. But that also meant that Zolciak would need surgery to correct it, which she recently underwent.

In case you missed it, Kim Zolciak-Biermann announced she would be undergoing heart surgery in order to fix a genetic condition that caused a stroke after her Dancing With The Stars performance a few weeks ago. She even encouraged fans to sign a petition to get her back in the ballroom. However, Tony Dovolani’s partner was reluctant to hang up her dancing shoes.

But rules are rules, according to judge Carrie Anna Inaba. “She’s already been drinking her Starbucks – through a straw!” said Zolciak’s daughter Brielle Biermann.

However, the eliminated contestant unveiled that there was a silver lining hidden in this unfortunate event.

In the snapshot above, Zolciak was welcomed by one of her three sons, KJ, who appeared to be very happy to see his mother awake after her operation.

‘I’m so flipping EXCITED!!!!!…I’m finally doing it!’ she gushed on Instagram on Tuesday as she shared the news with her 1.6M followers.

Following the mini stroke, which was caused by a blood clot, Zolciak was given two treatment options – she could either be on blood thinners for the rest of her life or have heart surgery, so she decided on the latter.


“The minor TIA (transient ischemic attack) revealed that I have a PFO (patent foramen ovale), which is like a hole in your heart that I was born with that never closed”.

Kim Zolciak Survives Heart Surgery Why Was Kim Encouraging Dancing With The Stars Petitions- Couldn’t Dance Anyway