
Kobe Bryant Retirement Update: Shaq Says Former Teammate Shouldn’t Retire Yet

Shaquille O’Neal, left, is advising Kobe Bryant, right, not to retire if he feels he has anything left after this season.


If it is Shaquille O’Neal who will be asked, he’d rather see his former Los Angeles Lakers teammate play few more years after 2015-2016 season. The good news entering his 20th, and possibly last NBA season, is that he’s been medically cleared for all basketball activities, as reported by Kevin Ding of Bleacher Report. Bryant, now in his 20th season, is facing the end of his career due to injury – something O’Neal says shouldn’t necessarily hold him back from continuing to play.

“If you still got something, you should go because once it’s done you can’t get it back”.

The 43-year-old retired center added, “If I hadn’t got hurt I would have went on and played my last season to try and break Wilt Chamberlain’s scoring record”. The past 2 involved an Achilles injury while playing against the Golden State Warriors and a broken knee cap in a game versus the Memphis Grizzlies.

Apparently, Bryant and Morgan weren’t able to dominate like they do in their respective sports in Federation Internationale de Football Association 16 when facing off against one another.

Pressed to comment on the limited role of Kobe, Byron clarified that he does not meant to give Bryant a limited playing time but rather he wants to keep his marquee player as efficient as possible. When we start talking about those minutes, I want to listen to him more than anything. He will be placed on a minutes limit. “But could this be the last (season)?”

No matter Bryant’s decision on his playing future, what’s ultimately most important is that he goes out on his own terms – a decision O’Neal, apparently, wasn’t lucky enough to make.


Bryant has had a slew of bad luck, and will be coming off his third straight season-ending surgery. “It’s hard to make a decision like that before the season”.

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