
Konami Announce Metal Gear Online Competition

But if you have to have one, it might as well be one that looks cool as hell – and what’s cooler than Snake’s arm in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain? Hideo Kojima, the creator of the franchise, has officially stated that this will be his last “Metal Gear Solid” game creation.


In other news, Konami plans on making a “Metal Gear Solid 6″ game after the success that “Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain” had in several months. Dubbed “The Phantom Limb Project’ by Konami, the project will see renown prosthetics artist Sophie De Oliveira Barata work to create a fully functional and eye-catching limb for Young using the latest cutting edge and innovative technologies”.

Twenty-five-year-old James Young, a passionate gamer, tragically lost his arm in an accident. He has had a hard time playing his favorite games and has been a huge challenge for him, according to Slash Gear.

Someone from Reddit was able unlock Quiet from the game after latest patch update and claimed that in order to get her back in the team, gamers will have to replay the “Cloaked of Silence” mission seven times until the tag is changed from [Replay] to [Reunion] in order to see Quiet again. Barata on the other hand has her own title for her prosthetic limb projects which is called the “Alternative Limb Project”. She’s also the designer behind the crystal leg used by amputee performer Viktoria Modesta at 2012 Paralympics’ closing ceremony.


He’s never commented publicly on any of the rumours or happenings, but The AV Club’s Sam Barsanti has put together a pretty convincing case that Metal Gear Solid V has the answers. It will be posted in a series on a blog, according to sources.

Metal Gear Solid V's Quiet