
Korea Confirms New Military Chief after Reported Execution

The steps approved included the ban on entry of all North Korean-registered ships into Japan and of third-country ships from entering Japan after visiting ports in North Korea.


Pyongyang’s provocations have continued since early 2016.

The expanded sanctions are created to deny North Korea the money it needs to develop miniaturized nuclear warheads and the long-range missiles needed to deliver them.

He said the possibility of North Korean attacks “is increasing more than ever” and asked for quick passage of an anti-terror bill in parliament.

As part of the offer, reported to have been made at a United Nations meeting, the USA dropped its longstanding prerequisite that North Korea first make efforts to reduce its nuclear arsenal, instead calling for the military dictatorship to make its nuclear weapons program part of the talks. He said the official consultation between South Korea and the United States regarding deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (Thaad) system has begun, and the matter will be treated exclusively from the perspective of national security.

Kim said though the United States cited Pyongyang’s move as a pretext for deploying THAAD, it is the North Korea’s two bigger neighbours that THAAD is targeted.

Senator Ted Cruz unveiled a new five point plan today via Twitter as President Obama signed new sanctions against North Korea into law.

Around 80% of enterprises with North Korean dealings are said to be Chinese.

Since the launch of the Kwangmyongson-4 satellite, which was viewed by many as a test of banned missile technology, the US and South Korea have been discussing how best to respond. The satellite has been confirmed to be in orbit, but it is not known if it has succeeded in transmitting signals back to Earth.

He also underscored the need to successfully launch “more working satellites”, Pyongyang’s KCNA news agency said. “Writhing and wriggling, she sits up all night, spouting rubbish, invectives and vituperation”.


“But only Park Geun-hye behaved quite contrary to this”, it added.

North Korea just announced that they want to 'conquer space&#039