
Kosovo opposition legislators pelt prime minister

Bodyguards cover with umbrella Kosovo’s Prime Minister Isa Mustafa escorting him away from the stand as opposition members throw eggs while he was addressing Kosovo’s parliament in capital Pristina on Tuesday, September 22, 2015.


Kosovo’s prime minister has been pelted with eggs during an address to parliament. During the uproar aides to the prime minister are seen rushing to the lectern with umbrellas to shield him. “Get out please!” Veseli was forced to halt the parliamentary session. Mustafa said that the new Association of Serb Municipalities would help to extend these rights on matters like municipal spending and education.

Kosovo’s unilateral secession from Serbia came nearly a decade after the 1998-1999 Kosovo war ended, when North Atlantic Treaty Organisation intervened with air strikes to drive out Serbian forces and halt the killing of ethnic Albanian civilians.

The opposition parties have announced protests against the agreement.

The Kosovo government has sent the agreement to the country’s Constitutional Court to make sure it is in compliance with the constitution.


Relations have improved between Serbia and Kosovo in recent years as both countries hope to gain European Union membership, despite Belgrade not recognising Kosovo as sovereign.

Kosovo's Prime Minister Isa Mustafa attends news conference at the Chancellery in Berlin Germany