
Krauthammer calls Cruz ‘extremely defensive’; NY values comment HUGE mistake

Cruz spoke with Dana Bash and immediately dismissed the “F-U” NY Daily News cover, saying he never expected to be the favorite of the liberal media.


Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz on Thursday tried his luck at baking matzah as he seeks to earn the support of the Jewish community and compete for delegates in the NY primary later this month. He frequently invokes 9!11 to do so.

Also Wednesday, cruz picked up an endorsement from New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, the PAC representing New York’s evangelical Christians.

Republican New York Rep. Peter King went a step further, calling for no New Yorker to cast a ballot for Cruz.

“Everyone understands that the values in New York City are socially liberal or pro-abortion or pro-gay marriage”, Cruz said then.

Cruz also praised his wife, Heidi Cruz, as the “strongest woman” he knows, amid attacks from Trump. “Not a lot of conservatives come out of Manhattan”. “We’re family. I can make fun of New York but you can’t”, Giuliani, who led the city through the trauma of the September 11, 2001, attacks, told the New York Post.

“I’ve got this guy standing over there, looking at me, talking about New York values with scorn in his face, with hated, with hatred of New York”, Trump said, drawing a chorus of boos.

“We weren’t their No. 1 draft pick”, Mica Mosbacher, a Cruz fund-raiser based in Houston and NY, said of her discussions with new prospects.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich is using the line in his latest ad against Cruz. The faith leaders gathered with Cruz to discuss values.

“We love NY values”, Kasich, who is running a distant third in the delegate race, said during a campaign stop at a Bronx deli. The New York primary is set for April 19. “I’m going to take those experiences – take those values – to the White House if the people of NY give me that great privilege”.


Associated Press writers Michael Balsamo in New York and David Klepper in Scotia, New York contributed reporting.

Passionate NY Resident: “Ted Cruz Has No Business Being In The Bronx”