
Krauthammer: Trump’s rising poll numbers not surprising

The overwhelming majority of likely voters – 73% – surveyed are anxious about an economic downturn that could negatively affect their families. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.


The UPI/CVoter daily presidential tracking poll released Monday shows Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump by 3.85 percentage points as the number of those seeking a third option has increased in the past week.

Because the poll is conducted online and individuals self-select to participate, a margin of error can not be calculated. Overall, Clinton’s margin over Trump has shrunk to an average of 3.3 points in RealClearPolitics’ aggregation of multiple polls, down from a peak of 7.9 points a month ago.

“Every bit of news about her is always about emails, the foundation, the corruption”, he added.

Clinton and Trump both get the support of 47 percent of likely voters in a head-to-head matchup, according to the Quinnipiac poll. Polls tend to narrow as Election Day nears, and the Clinton campaign has struggled to overcome controversy about how she handled classified information while serving as secretary of state. But Clinton maintains an Electoral College firewall that appears to be far more resilient than Trump’s, according to state polling.

Clinton has 30.9 percent support of Independent voters, down from 35.6 percent in a new poll by Red Oak Strategic. However, the more general tenuousness of very conservative states shows that he has failed to appeal typical Republican voters.

While the disparity between the tight national polls and Clinton’s swing state edge may seem incongruous, FiveThirtyEight finds a possible explanation in an apparent shift away from the trend of increasing polarization among the states.

“As much criticism as the Republican Party has come in for, for putting Trump forward as the nominee, the Democrats are equally culpable in all this for not being able to field anybody who could beat him decisively”, Cass said.

That may explain why another new poll out Tuesday includes some surprising results in states that have been safely Republican for some time.

Expectations for Clinton are highest among her own supporters, 91% of whom expect her to do a better job than Trump.


But those tossup states, which include traditional battlegrounds like OH and Florida, also suggest normally safe Republican states such as Texas, Georgia and MS are in play. Trump leads by at least four points in 20 states that account for just 126 electoral votes.

UPI/CVoter poll: Hillary Clinton edges out Donald Trump with 3.85-point lead