
Kremlin admits TV stations showed ‘secret’ nuclear torpedo plan

The submarine would “defeat important economic objects of an enemy in coastal zones, bringing guaranteed and unacceptable losses on the country’s territory by forming a wide area of radioactive contamination incompatible with conducting military, economic or any other activities there for a long period of time”, it said. According to the Independent, a document titled “Ocean Multipurpose Systems: Status-6” was briefly shown on Channel One Russian Federation and NTV during coverage of a meeting between Putin and military officials.


While Putin’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, said that a few secret data was accidentally leaked in the broadcast and was “subsequently deleted”, more information was published about the system in a November 11 article in the Russian government newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta-prompting a few to believe that the leak was intentional, the BBC reported.

“In future we are going to certainly take preventative measures so this doesn’t occur again”.

The appearance of the video on television channels under such tight Kremlin control raised suspicions that it was done intentionally to cause alarm in the West.

President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that Russian Federation will counter NATO’s U.S.-led missile defense program by deploying new strike weapons capable of piercing the shield.

Just before the torpedo diagram came into view in the state TV report, Mr Putin could be heard telling the generals that the U.S. and its North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies were forging ahead with a global anti-missile defence system “unfortunately ignoring our concerns and our offers of co-operation”.

Pavel Felgenhauer, a Russian military analyst, also said the disclosure confirms the Free Beaconreporting on the Kanyon.

A Russian analyst told The Moscow Times the leak was likely intentional.

Podvig said the weapon appears to be a radiological weapon or “dirty bomb”, although delivery of a large nuclear warhead is not ruled out.

Podvig said the apparent deliberate leak of the Status-6 details looks menacing, irrespective of how realistic the project is from the technological viewpoint.


The slide referred to the torpedo as “self-propelled underwater vehicle” with a range of “up to 10,000km” (6,200 miles) capable of operation in depths “up to 1,000m” (3,300 feet). Its basically very unsettling that this kind of project appears anywhere near a meeting with the president.”.

Olga Kharitonova 100 and 200-meter runner national olympic team candidate works-out during a training session at the ‘Yunost‘ sports ground at the Black Sea resort of Sochi Russia Thursday Nov. 12 2015. Facing allegations that Russia engages