
Kristol: GOP Leaders Can Torpedo Trump If They Want To

With greater scrutiny of Trump now that he is set to formally win the Republican presidential nomination at the party’s July convention in Cleveland, there are concerns about the party’s ability to maintain control of the House of Representatives and Senate. Although Curiel’s parents are from Mexico, Curiel was born in IN and is known for his tough approach to Mexican drug cartels. He has argued that because Curiel is Mexican-American, and because Trump has made it no secret that he plans to build a wall between Mexico and America if he is elected president, the judge is inherently biased against him.


Warren, a Democrat, plans to attack Trump over comments he made about a federal judge. And while Clinton’s opponents love attacking her as insincere and artificial, even the most cynical critic could not deny the genuine expression of joy on her face as the crowd thundered around her on Tuesday. To keep him from straying off message, he used a Teleprompter and avoided his typical stream-of-consciousness delivery.

Trump said money given to the Clinton Foundation charity from foreign donors had earned the Clintons millions of dollars and had a corrupting influence when Clinton was secretary of state.

“Some of his friends and family have talked to him and asked him to drop it and so far he won’t do it”, the source said, speaking before Trump’s statement was issued.

“Apparently for Mark Kirk, it’s acceptable to refer to Mexicans as rapists; to propose banning Muslims from entering the country; to call women fat pigs and dogs; to mock a reporter’s disability; and to insult just about everyone who doesn’t look like Donald Trump”.

Trump has an uphill battle, with many party leaders still opposed to him. But how is what Ryan is doing right now not worse for himself and the broader Republican brand?

Indeed, Sen. Tim Scott, the only African-American Republican in the Senate, said: “I think he’s done a good job in the last 24 hours of realizing the impact of those comments”.

“The consumers we have spoken with have expressed profound dissatisfaction with the Trump U course and materials”, wrote Rick Berlin, an assistant attorney general with the state Consumer Protection Division, in a June 2010 email.

The carefully choreographed speech came as some Republicans re-affirmed their opposition to Trump, underscoring party divisions over a nominee who has never held public office and spent much of his campaign attacking prominent members of the GOP.

Republicans from all sides of the party have publicly condemned the remarks and demanded that Trump change his tone. “It’s giving some of the donors heartburn, for sure”, she said.

Republicans have a nominating process. That, sure, Trump is playing with racism but he’s still better than Clinton? Bernie Sanders in the 2016 race and may follow her lead more than that of any other Democrat, except perhaps for Obama. The president’s eventual endorsement would put pressure on Sanders to exit graciously and throw his support to Clinton. She cites what she contends is McConnell’s blockade of President Barack Obama’s judicial nominees including Supreme Court pick Merrick Garland, and Ryan’s acquiescence in the strategy.


The Associated Press called the race in California for Clinton early on Wednesday.

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