
Kucinich Calls for DNC to Nominate Sanders for VP

“I intend to be fair”, she said as the crowd booed. “I will vote for Hillary with gusto”.


But Michelle Obama added a positive case for Clinton, and the mood on the convention floor seemed to change nearly instantly with her performance.

“If you don’t believe this election is important, if you think you can sit it out, take a moment to think about the Supreme Court justices that Donald Trump would nominate and what that would mean to civil liberties, equal rights and the future of our country”, Sanders said.

Ted Kohlman, 29, of New York City said the leaked DNC emails showed what Sanders supporters had always expected – that the party machine was pushing for Clinton to win – and that was what helped him decide to come to Philadelphia to protest.

“We don’t support her”, said Mr. Edelstein, a delegate for Mr. Sanders who was still holding out hope for a miracle when the roll call vote is held Tuesday, with superdelegates denying Mrs. The Vermont senator, who was booed by his own supporters earlier Monday when he spoke about the need to elect Clinton. As he characterized Clinton’s position: “Debbie, you were loyal to me for years – fired”.

The convention is beginning on a discordant note just days after 19,000 hacked emails were published on the website WikiLeaks.

The drama played out on an oppressively hot day in Philadelphia that gave way to violent storms in the evening that included torrential rain, lightening and high winds that forced the evacuation of the media filing center.

They tried storming the convention but in the end, they got stormed on. She has since come out against the deal.

Saying “no one else is more disappointed than myself” in his second-place finish, Sanders used his primetime DNC address to emphasize unity behind the Democratic ticket and Clinton.

Earlier on Monday, the divide within the party was apparent when supporters, angered by the Democratic National Committee’s treatment of their candidate of choice, drowned out speakers with shouts, and even ignored appeals by Sanders himself to unite for the sake of the party.

“It’s not over until the votes are counted”, Netherton said. “I want to support Bernie, but I also want to voice my displeasure with the Democratic Party”. “We’re stronger together”, Bucaro said.

The first-term senator has emerged as one of the Democrats’ toughest critics of Trump, and she kept up her attacks on his character and business record as she delivered repeated jabs at the blustery billionaire who has mocked her as “goofy” and ‘”Pocahontas”, a taunt rooted in Warren’s claims of Native American heritage.

“What about my parents, Donald?” she said – before pointing out that her parents are the first in American history to have two daughters serve together in Congress.

Ed Martin of Eagle Forum said the “chaos in Philly underscores that Hillary is no leader but just a political celebrity”.

According to contents from the nearly 20,000 emails sent by Democratic National Committee (DNC) officials, DNC staff members appeared to discuss ways to hobble Sanders’ campaign and make mockery of Sanders. “I think she would sell us out for her own gain”.

Sanders promised his supporters that he’d be there to continue waging that fight.

The statement says the party won’t tolerate disrespectful language. “Individual staffers have also rightfully apologized for their comments, and the DNC is taking appropriate action to ensure it never happens again”.

The DNC is facing questions about whether it could have done more to limit the damage done by hackers suspected of working for Russian intelligence. Federal investigators tried to warn the DNC about a potential intrusion in their computer network months before the party moved to try to fix the problem, USA officials briefed on the probe tell CNN.

As frustration at the convention escalated Monday afternoon, the Sanders camp reached out to the Clinton campaign to express concerns over raw tensions among their delegates that could erupt into protests on the floor, according to sources.

Then, though, Sanders turned to praising the Democratic platform as a whole, which was a document that was produced not by Clinton herself, but by negotiations between the Clinton and Sanders campaign.


Former NAACP leader Ben Jealous was among the Sanders surrogates deployed to the Sanders to try to urge against raucous displays.

Sen. Bernie Sanders called for his delegates to support Hillary Clinton during the Democratic National Convention