
Kurdish rebels attack police, military in Turkey, one policeman killed

“Perhaps they could agree to protect the units that train and equip members embed with, most probably in and around Aleppo“, said Stein.


In the latest incident, a policeman was killed and another injured in an attack believed to have been carried out by the PKK in Midyat, a town in predominantly Kurdish southeast Turkey, according to the Dogan agency. “The PKK must stop its attacks in Turkey”. Of the 1,050 arrests that took place across Turkey in nationwide “anti-terrorism operations” last week, 137 were alleged Isis sympathisers while 847 were Kurdish activists suspected of links to the PKK.

In Makhmour, 10 miles from the Isis front lines, Commander Aso denies that his guerrillas will be drawn away from the fight.

The election, which saw the AKP lose its parliamentary majority, also produced, for the first time in Turkish history, at least some representation for the Kurds in the parliament.

“Today we call to both sides: the PKK must immediately remove its finger from the trigger and declare it will observe the cease-fire”, Demirtas told reporters in the southeastern city of Van.

The PKK, which is listed as a terrorist group by Turkey, the U.S. and the EU, is mainly based around the Qandil Mountains in northern Iraq.

Amongst their ranks, many consider the PKK to have been most effective.

In the past two weeks, Turkish air forces hit PKK camps in Bukriskan, Zerkeli and Inzeh in northern Iraq. The U.S. air campaign “has stemmed the tide for ISIS, but it is not removing them from Iraq, so it is not succeeding right now”, he said.

The HDP has performed an essential position within the peace course of with common visits to PKK chief Abdullah Ocalan in his jail on Imrali island south of Istanbul.

One year ago this weekend, President Obama launched airstrikes in Iraq to prevent the insurgent armies of Islamic State from advancing to the gates of Baghdad and conquering the country.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said the arrival of Turkish fighter jets would launch a “comprehensive fight all together” between Washington and Ankara against IS. Kurds even point at the government for allowing IS to grow inside and outside of Turkey. This has led to accusations that the HDP serves as the PKK’s political wing.


Legislators from Turkey’s pro-Kurdish party Friday said eight Iraqi civilians were killed in Turkish airstrikes in north Iraq last week, disputing the Turkish military’s claim that the area struck was a Kurdish rebel camp.

Turkey Protecting ISIL to Limit Kurdistan Workers Party- PKK Leader