
LA On Verge of Being US Bid for 2024 Olympics

Toronto unsuccessfully bid for the 1996 and 2008 Olympics. The region hosted the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics.


Cities looking to host the 2024 Games have until September 15 to formally express their interest to the global Olympic Committee.

A recent poll has shown that Torontonians support of a bid for the 2024 Olympic Games, but one group named NoTO2024 says Toronto should think twice about bidding for the Games.

Los Angeles bid for 2012, though the USOC named New York the US city.

The United States Olympic Committee (USOC) will explore a possible Los Angeles bid for the 2024 Summer Games after Boston pulled out of the race, USOC chairman Larry Probst said on Wednesday.

Boston Mayor Martin Walsh cited his reluctance to make such a promise shortly before his city’s bid collapsed two weeks ago. There’s also history: The Summer Games have never gone longer than 12 years between stops in Europe, and 2024 will mark 12 years since London hosted them.

An abundance of existing venues could help limit cost overruns and garner support for Los Angeles. There are enough venues left from 1984 to host the games that Garcetti does not anticipate the need to build new ones.

Those Olympics, boycotted by the Soviet Union, put Carl Lewis and Mary Lou Retton on center stage and, in many ways, transformed the games into the mega-billion-dollar event they are today.

“The L.A. Olympics would inspire the world and are right for our city”, Garcetti said.

In LA, an opposition movement apparently began tweeting under the Twitter account, @No_LAOlympics on July 27, the day the Boston bid collapsed.

Public hearings seeking your input on hosting the games expected to take place soon, they said.

Public support for the Games is crucial, says Forsyth, even at this early stage, as the IOC doesn’t want to go where there isn’t a supportive public, especially under Agenda 2020. “However, the effort to ensure that the city of Boston works for all of its residents does not end here, and we plan to continue the fight for a more equitable, just and sustainable city-a fight made easier without an unwelcome Olympic-sized distraction”.


If submitted as the bid city, it would compete with other strong candidates such as Paris, Rome, Budapest and Hamburg, Germany.

Mayor John Tory