
Labour leadership challengers outline credentials to MPs and peers

Labour MPs have been questioning the candidates for their party leadership in a hustings at Westminster. Former shadow minister Wayne David told the newspaper that it seems the momentum is now with Smith.


The decision provoked Labour party donor Michael Foster to say he will launch a legal action the NEC, but constitutional expert Dr. Peter Catterall told Business Insider that it was a “waste of time” and would only make the party’s infighting even worse.

Mr Corbyn has called on supporters not to abuse his rivals during the leadership contest amid growing tensions within the Labour movement.

He suggested that the candidate with fewer nominations from Labour MPs should stand aside for the other, but Ms Eagle argued that they had to consider who was best placed to win over the membership.

“So I welcome a range of candidates, past year I nominated Angela Eagle for deputy because I wanted her on the ballot paper”. While Corbyn has been urged to resign after losing a vote of no confidence, he has insisted he retains the support of the party’s rank-and-file, extending the chaos that has engulfed the party since Britain’s vote last month to leave the European Union.

“I think it’s the message that Jeremy gave a year ago about anti-austerity and a call for a fairer and more equal society is what resonates with people beyond just party members and that has not changed, and people are very supportive of that”.

“The fact that people are joining the Labour Party – we should be welcoming people with open arms, getting them involved and enthusing them to remain involved and I just think that kind of approach is the wrong message to give out”.

Mr Findlay said: “This is a great start – 200 people gathered together looking to re-elect Jeremy, because he is the candidate who represents the ideas that we need to make the change the country needs”. Alas, this is exactly what has happened to Owen Smith thanks to an interview he gave to Sky News.

He said: “My offer is that in me you have someone just as radical as Jeremy”. Asked by Marr if he would order a nuclear strike – which Corbyn said he would not – Smith said he would.

“I think the world has got more volatile – we’ve got to stick with what we’ve got and renew it, if that’s the advice of the security services”.

‘If I’ve got anything to do about it, never on my watch will this party split. And I am very clear.


There is some optimism amongst Jeremy Corbyn’s critics that this attempt will work.

Labour members in Swansea wanted to show their support for Jeremy Corbyn tonight - but can't