
Labour Leadership Hopeful “Tempted” To Keep The UK Inside The EU

“We have a wider gap between the haves and have nots in this country than any of us have known in our lifetimes and it is for the Labour Party, our party, to fight to reduce that gap”. Labour needs to set out the details of how we overcome Tory austerity and secure the next Labour government that delivers investment, not cuts.


More than 140 of Labour’s 230 MPs are expected to vote in favour of the plan, despite Mr Corbyn’s longstanding opposition to the weapons system.

Labour Party members Angela Eagle and Owen Smith are to lay out their visions on Monday, when they are due to appear before the Parliamentary Labour Party.

At his launch to be the next Labour leader Owen Smith said he would “renationalise the railways tomorrow”.

Owen Smith is emerging as the most popular choice among Labour MPs to stand against Jeremy Corbyn in the upcoming leadership contest.

In the code of conduct, he went on: “As a candidate I will treat all with respect, behave with civility and expect all who support me to do the same”.

“In particular, there should be no demonstrations or protests targeting any individual candidate or outside any MP’s office or surgery – and no personal heckling of any candidate at any hustings, meeting or event”.

The party member has accused Cllr Morgan of making claims against him on social media which were damaging to the party’s reputation even after he had contacted him to assure him the accusations were incorrect.

Brighton, Hove and District Labour Party has been suspended and last week’s election results declared void while an investigation is carried out.

“So he left Labour sidelined in the debate”.

In another development yesterday, Ms Eagle warned that Labour risked becoming the “new nasty party”, because of the “abuse, misogyny, homophobia and anti-Semitism” affecting it.

Meanwhile, Mr Corbyn has been giving indications about his planned strategy for the coming leadership campaign. Those who joined more recently can become registered supporters to sidestep the new rules, but the fee to do so has been raised from £3 to £25.

East Leeds Labour MP Richard Burgon, praised for his staunch support of Mr Corbyn, said to cheers: “The Establishment is coming out in force and is going into overdrive”.

Mr Smith, who only entered Parliament in 2010, revealed he chose to challenge Mr Corbyn because he failed to negotiate a compromise with Labour following the vote of no confidence by 172 MPs.

He said his political coming of age was at the time of the miners’ strike and said he only realised when he was nine or 10 that the Labour greats Aneurin Bevan and Keir Hardie were not family members.


Mr Smith also said he would instantly reinstate the Department for Energy and Climate Change which new prime minister Theresa May folded into the Business department. “We trusted people to take the decision, we can trust them again in 18 months’ time to check if it was absolutely what they wanted”.

POLITICS: Party needs new policies