
Labour member describes his court fight with party

The Labour party is in turmoil amid an attempt to unseat Corbyn.


He will say: “I am pledging that under my leadership, the next Labour government, will enable all local authorities to have franchising powers over their bus networks and enable all local authorities to establish municipal bus companies”.

While Mr Corbyn still holds the lead among Labour party members – his support among those who voted Labour in 2015 has diminished, and Mr Smith has the edge among the wider public.

Then, in the light of the massive support Corbyn commands outside Parliament, they, if they were true democrats, should surrender themselves for a re-selection contest themselves in their own constituencies against other Labour candidates who might support Corbyn.

The MP also complained about Labour’s inability to appoint women to senior positions, saying the party had some soul-searching to do on the matter.

The Labour leader won the support of 285 constituency Labour parties (CLPs), with his rival, Owen Smith, taking just 53 nominations.

“At no stage in anyone’s most vivid imagination are there 300,000 sectarian extremists at large in the country who have suddenly descended on the Labour Party”. I’d like to see them calling out some of the very worst ringleaders.

A leading Jewish donor to Britain’s Labour Party likens Jeremy Corbyn’s inner circle to Nazi storm troopers in a scathing column published by Mail Online on Sunday, ahead of a party leadership contest next month. The party’s more centrist members consider the 67-year-old left-winger ineffective and unelectable.

“Just a few weeks ago, two days after Jeremy Hunt was reappointed, we saw in the new business plan for the NHS new plans, secret plans in truth, to offer greater private provision”, he said. I have no idea what their decision will be.

The Corbyn campaign said it was delighted with the endorsements. “But let’s look at that when the new NEC takes over”.

In a video shot as he was on his way to debate with Mr Smith in the Labour leadership hustings in Gateshead, Corbyn is seen sitting on the floor of the train, a coffee and brown paper bag at his feet, reading Private Eye magazine.

Jeremy Corbyn at Hall Leys Park in Matlock.


He adds that the court ruling in his case “advantaged Corbyn and his Sturm Abteilung (stormtroopers)” – a reference to the military wing of the Nazi party. “This caused the mask of reasonableness of the Corbynista leadership to slip even further”.

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