
Large amount of ammo found in home of California shooters

Although many news outlets initially speculated that the San Bernardino shooting could have stemmed from a work-related incident following an argument between Farook and other co-workers, the items found inside the Muslim newlyweds’ home says otherwise.


Melinda Rivas, a social worker who was on the third floor at the center, said a colleague came barreling down the hall, yelling warnings about the shooters.

They were “pipe bomb type design”, Burguan said. Public records show it is a possible residence of a family member of Farook.

“We’re all anxious. We’re all concerned”, he said. Jennifer said she knows her husband is in the arms of God.

Farook had been at the party before the shooting and left “under some circumstances that were described as angry”, San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan told reporters Wednesday night. Baccari said he was in the bathroom when the shooting started, and he suffered minor wounds from shrapnel slicing through the wall.

Farook traveled to Saudi Arabia for several weeks in 2013 and also traveled there earlier this year for about a month. “We don’t know if this was the intended target or if there was something that triggered him to do this immediately”, said David Bowdich, assistant director of the FBI’s Los Angeles office. He did not elaborate.

Aged 28, Syed Rizwan Farook had a job inspecting restaurants and public pools.

“Preliminary information indicates that these were people that came prepared, that they were dressed and equipped in a way to indicate that they were prepared”, he said.

Before they went on the rampage, the couple dropped off their 6-month-old daughter with relatives Wednesday morning, saying they had a doctor’s appointment, according to Hussam Ayloush, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Farook and Malik died four hours later in a gun battle with police who pursued their SUV through a nearby town. Farook, who worked at the center, left after a dispute and later returned with Malik, his wife, armed with assault rifles and semiautomatic handguns and wearing masks and div armor. Obama is also calling for people to wait for facts before making judgments.

“People shot. In the office waiting for cops”.

“I have no idea why he would he do something like this”. “And that was it”.

Speaking softly, a subdued Obama said too often Americans feel there’s nothing they can do to prevent this kind of violence. He loved his work and his family so very much. “She gets all the services she possibly could for these kids”.

“I was just numb”.

He listed his income as $30,000 to $45,000. “He was not on our radar screen”, he said – adding that authorities still do not have a motive for the shooting.

Authorities are investigating, but some people think it may have been an act of terrorism.

Ten people remained hospitalized at two hospitals on Thursday – two in critical but stable condition, three in fair condition and five in stable condition, the hospitals said.

Police discovered Farook and Malik in Redlands, CA, after the shooting, and a chase ensued between them and the suspects’ black Ford Expedition.

They had indeed escaped.

By the time the last shot rang out, the SUV was riddled with bullet holes. A police officer was injured in the shootout. He also wounded two others at Accent Signage Systems in Minneapolis before taking his own life.

FBI agents investigating the San Bernardino shooting reportedly discovered “nearly 5,000 rounds of ammunition and a dozen pipe bombs inside the home”.

The stockpile of pipe bombs, tools and ammunition was found at a home in Redlands, about 7 miles from the massacre site at the Inland Regional Center.

“It is possible that this was terrorist-related, but we don’t know”.

Obama suggested America consider “basic steps” to make it more hard for individuals to access weapons.


In a precautionary move, the Harbor Regional Center in Torrance closed for the day.

Deadly San Bernardino shooting