
Large crowd turns out for Black Lives Matter rally in Perth

“Sadly though, there is no one person in this room that can deny that, historically, black lives have mattered less”.


“‘Whether it was Richard Nixon unleashing a war on drugs or George Wallace’s more overt war on Black people, we’ve heard it all before and won’t be fooled again, ‘” said Alicia Garza, Co-Founder of Black Lives Matter.

Mann’s oldest son Amarion McDonald, 13, marched with his mother and three siblings.

“I don’t think it’s too much to ask”, White said, “to ask for people to do their jobs”. “It makes me feel safe”.

A Black Lives Matter march is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. Saturday.

When Obama says, “When you see civilians at risk, you dont see them as strangers”, I wonder if he is referring to Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Rekia Boyd or Aiyana Stanley-Jones.

David Clarke Jr., sheriff of Milwaukee County and a black police officer who has built his reputation on his willingness to endorse anti-black rhetoric, dispensed with rhetorical games.

“Black Lives Matter is a racial, radical, evil organization”. They may or may not have agreed with the message that protesters were sending, but they stood up to facilitate and protect protesters’ right to speak their mind.

“This came as a surprise, a disappointment”, Joyner said. Police shootings of blacks since 2012 in places around the country like Florida, Missouri, Louisiana, and most recently in Florida, where an unarmed therapist attending to a patient was shot while following the orders of police, inflame the hatred of police by blacks and even some in the white community. We never get mad when black people kill each other, which that has always bothered me …

Jackson Mayor Jerry Gist joined the march, as did City Councilman Johnny Dodd.

Organizers said they want to continue to spread awareness about their cause.

Bird said he looks forward to achieving, “a lot of good things”, with the organization. “We may not fully resolve the issue, but at least we’ve started the conversation, and that’s important”.

“I’m looking around the crowd and I’m immensely impressed”, said Stephen Wright, one of the speakers at the event.

Mychal Hunt, pastor of That Church in Medina, said the marchers were “playing on the same team” trying to win Jackson for love. “We will work with them to try to address their concerns and do what we can to mitigate them”.


The Rev. B. Jo Ann Mundy kicked off the rally saying it’s not only about cops killing blacks, it’s also about graduation rates, and cancer death rates and birth rates. We don’t want there to be a divide. “But it’s not correct to blame that violence on the Black Lives Matter movement”.

Black Lives vs. All Lives and Blue Lives: Why are non-Blacks threatened by the Black Lives Matter Movement?