
Larry David Wins $5000 For Calling Trump Racist During ‘Saturday Night Live

Despite multiple protests controversial Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump is set to take stage for Saturday Night Live.


Pretty, pretty, pretty, pret-tay weird, isn’t it? Seinfeld co-creator and Curb Your Enthusiasm star Larry David has been recently playing presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on the show and the comedian was behind the most memorable part of Saturday’s airing.

Saturday Night Live has become notorious for its comedic political commentary. They had the best “overnight numbers since January 7, 2012”.

“I feel like they’re giving him a platform”, said Hazel Hernandez, 26, who emigrated from El Salvador and now lives in Brooklyn.

It’s a wonder Donald Trump made it through last night’s SNL unscathed. – Trump were to win the presidency, SNL painted a colourful 2018 picture that included peace and a Trump casino in Syria, Russian President Vladimir Putin crying for being called “loser”, and that Trump getting that long-desired wall between Mexico and the US installed, but on Mexico’s dime.

I’m trying to imagine what Donald Trump would tweet about the ratings in Buffalo for his “Saturday Night Live” appearance.

“The entire approach that NBC has had has been to completely dismiss [Latino groups’ complaint]”, Sanchez said on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” Sunday.

However, it was then revealed the heckler was “Curb Your Enthusiasm” star Larry, who joked that he wanted to claim a reward offered by Latino rights group Deport Racism, who offered $5,000 for anyone who heckled Trump during the show.

Previously, only eight politicians had served as guest hosts.

“As a businessman, I can fully respect that”, Trump responded. “Nor can we undermine the fact that Donald Trump’s words are incredibly powerful, and that they do in fact have an impact on, you know, perceptions here in the United States around immigration, and around racism”, says Michelle Rosas, a protester. Trump’s sketches seemed to become increasingly less compelling. “She said a few things about me that were hurtful and untrue”.

Trolling Trump wasn’t the only reason Larry David was scheduled to appear on SNL.


If anything, this weekend’s “SNL” could make the race more hard for Trump.

Donald Trump on “Saturday Night Live” with cast members Vanessa Bayer left and Cecily Strong. COURTESY OF DANA EDELSON NBC