
Lashing out, Trump gives crowd Sen. Graham’s private phone number

He has since sought to partially walk back the remarks, saying that he believed McCain was, in fact, a “war hero“, but that he was disappointed in the Arizona senator’s work in Washington on behalf of veterans. Senator (and former Republican Party Presidential nominee) John McCain.


Graham’s voice mailbox was full on Tuesday afternoon, said spokeswoman Brittany Brammell. Spokeswoman Brittany Brammell confirmed the number was his.

Trump’s name-calling, the paper says, has turned him into “the distraction with traction – a feckless blowhard who can generate headlines… not by provoking thought, but by provoking outrage”. His popularity is the biggest lead recorded by any Republican candidate this year in Post-ABC News polls.

Trump told CBS News’ Charlie Rose his opponents are just taking shots at him to get attention.

Trump added that “it’s always wonderful to have the support of a newspaper, even a failing one, but this has only given me more motivation to fight harder in Iowa and Make America Great Again!”

Mr Trump hit the retweet button – and inadvertently shared a picture of serial killers Fred and Rose West to his millions of followers.

Christian Ferry, Graham’s campaign manager said Trump “continues to show hourly that he is ill-prepared to be commander in chief”.

According to Scarborough, the criticism of Trump is warranted but the media are not giving him a fair shake and risk losing some of their audience because of it.

I like people that weren’t captured, OK?”

Comments like these drew a rebuke from McCain, who accused Trump of riling up the “crazies”.

The Register’s Editorial Board published their opinion in this morning’s edition.

The real estate mogul was kicking off his campaign in South Carolina – Lindsey Graham’s home state and the third state in the primary and caucus process. The protesters were off to the side of the Sun City auditorium, holding up signs critical of Trumps comments on illegal immigration.


While officials privately fretted about the damage he could do to the party, they are also anxious about alienating voters drawn to his celebrity, brashness and willingness to take on establishment Republicans.

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