
Last chance to stop Trump fails in Cleveland

But once the rules were adopted and their movement failed, the convention continued with no further delays.


“She can tell us about a softer side of Donald Trump, ” said Suzanne Greene Butterfield of Gaysville, Vt., who was elected as a John Kasich delegate but is warming up to Trump.

Among those set to speak at the convention are Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan, as well as former rivals who dropped out of the race for the Republican nomination: Ted Cruz, Chris Christie, Scott Walker, and Marco Rubio.

Following the speech, social media commenters were quick to note the striking similarities between Melania Trump’s words and those of First Lady Michelle Obama’s from the 2008 Democratic National Convention.

“I support Mr. Trump as the choice of primary voters, and to me the choice between him and Hillary Clinton could not be clearer”, Cornyn said.

Feamon said the maneuver by a handful of states over convention rules is unusual. This is about the future of the party…

“Nobody should be coerced to vote for a candidate as risky and unprincipled as Donald Trump”, said a statement from the #NeverTrump Team, a coalition of anti-Trump forces.

The candidate made only brief comments, telling the crowd in Cleveland: “We’re going to win, we’re going to win so big”. “This is not about this year, it’s not about any one year”.

“Anything can happen at a convention, especially when you have an outsider like Trump as the presumptive nominee”, said Greg Mueller, a Republican strategist who worked with the “Never Trump” operation during the primaries. But #NeverTrump is not just about Trump anymore-many people are upset about the method by which the rules committee blocked the move to “unbind the delegates” and are also concerned that the party’s platform-and nominee-aren’t conservative enough.

“Roll call vote” was the chant of the anti-Trump forces, a desire to have each state, one by one, announce their support or opposition not only for the rules package but, more broadly, for Trump. Unfortunately, those delegates have been shot down, and not only will they not be allowed to vote with their conscience in 2016, they won’t be able to do so at the 2020 Republican National Convention, either.

Gary Teal, an organizer with Delegates Unbound and vice-chair of the DC party, said that he did not think the anti-Trump forces could have actually blocked Trump’s nomination.

“And we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow, because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them”.

The scene inside the convention center in Cleveland differed markedly from the way the chaos was presented on television.


That caused some of the delegation to walk off the floor in protest.

Protesters rallied in the square after the march