
Last day to file for New Hampshire presidential primary, Ben Carson scheduled

“It doesn’t mean you hate all dogs, but you’re putting your intellect into motion”.


“Now what I actually said is, if you had a kid and you knew there was a rabid dog outside you’d probably – even though you love dogs – bring that kid in, call the humane society, make sure that dog was off the street”, Carson explained. “Hopefully we already have a database on every citizen who’s already here”.

“I agree that there’s no such thing as political correctness when you’re fighting an enemy who wants to destroy you and everything that you have anything to do with”, Carson said.

The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the carnage, stoking fears of future attacks across Europe and in the U.S.

Candidates have been able to file for the New Hampshire Primary ballot for the past three weeks.

Once Carson filed and his supporters left the State House, the Republican candidate was off to his next campaign event: in Iowa, that very same night. It would require the Federal Bureau of Investigation to conduct background checks on people coming to the US from those countries. “Carson is still on a learning curve, much for him to learn.’ With national security and terrorism such a top concern now of voters, why should they choose a commander-in-chief still on a learning curve?”

Asked whether he would sign it, Carson said he hasn’t reviewed the details.

In Mobile, Carson said, “Islam itself is not necessarily our adversary”. &, On Sunday, he deflected questions over his experience by drawing a connection to continuing medical education for doctors. “Y’all gonna have me up all night!” she told them.

“But don’t listen to the narratives that try to say, ‘Oh, he doesn’t know anything, ‘” Carson said.

He added, “You didn’t have to be that great”.

While foreign affairs has never been Carson’s strong suit, the issue took on a new form after the tragic events in Paris last week.

In The NY Times, Duane R. Clarridge, who has advised Carson, also offered a candid critique.


Williams spoke to the Times, the Associated Press and other media about Carson’s need to improve as a candidate. Carson himself wasn’t scheduled to file until noon.

John Salangsang  Invision  AP