
Last Ebola virus transmission chain announced in Sierra Leone

Delivering a short statement during the visit, President Koroma told the people of Kambia that although they have done tremendously well to fend off the virus from the district, Ebola has not been completely eradicated from the country.


At the height of the outbreak Sierra Leone was reporting more than 500 new cases a week.

However, authorities have warned that precautions are still required.

‘There has not been any new case of Ebola throughout the country for more than a week now and only 86 people are in quarantine nationwide, ‘ he said.

He also said that for now the country has just two patients who have been diagnosed with the Ebola virus.

Restrictions on public gatherings, travel and trade have been eased in the last couple of weeks.

Director of the National Ebola Response Centre (NERC), OB Sisay said: “This does not mean Sierra Leone is suddenly Ebola free”.

The 18-month prevalent has wiped out a little over 11,200 those in West Africa but issue amounts have disappeared instantly, with one option confirmed in Sierra Leone and 2 in Guinea last week or so.

His Excellency President Ernest Bai Koroma on August 13th, said, he was shocked and dismayed to have learnt of the explosion at a warehouse in the northern port city of Tianjin, which resulted to the death and injury of dozens of people.

Case numbers have since fallen sharply. The WHO did not declare Liberia free from the deadly disease until May when no new cases were presented after 42 days.

A press release from the WHO explains that the Ebola response has moved to “phase 3″‘, focusing on tracking each and every chain of Ebola virus transmission and closing down the remaining chains as quickly as possible.


As Sierra Leone heads to a post ebola recovery drive, Madam Momoh highlighted the significant role that China’s Ministry of Commerce could play since their “intervention in helping us source out good investors for Sierra Leone is very important in the process of rebuilding our socio-economic problems…” and in re-activating the country’s once thriving economy before the invasion of the Ebola Virus Disease.

Sierra Leone records no new Ebola cases in a week  PPP Focus