
Last MERS Patient Again Tests Positive

“It is hard to say that the virus is alive and multiplying in the patient’s body”, Professor Kim Nam-Joong of Seoul National University told reporters.


“There is little chance of the patient infecting others”, he incorporated.

But doctors believe the fever stems from the patient’s malignant lymphoma rather than MERS.

The MERS outbreak began in South Korea in May, and killed 36 people.

In response to the accusations, SMC said while it is true that the patient was treated at its emergency room, he was placed in a special facility “located inside the emergency property”. “When he arrived (on Sunday), the only symptom he had was fever”.

Criticised for its initial response to the outbreak, South Korea introduced sweeping quarantine measures that saw almost 17,000 people confined to their homes. A total of 91 Koreans were reported to have contracted the virus at the hospital in Seoul, accounting for 49 percent of all confirmed cases in the country.

There is now no approved vaccine for MERS.

The deadly viral disease had infected 186 South Koreans since it was first found in the country on May 20.

Chuang said the CDC is closely following the new development but is confident that South Korea can control the disease.


The re-hospitalization resulted to hold out the genuine end into the country’s Functionare rash like the World Health Organization ( Who might) proposes these kinds of notification 4 weeks later after the last patient is validated pessimistic.

A check point for MERS set up in Seoul in June