
Last stretch of beach reopens after California shark attack

Doctors at Orange County Global Medical Center said at a Tuesday press conference that the wound extended from the victim’s shoulder down to her pelvis.


Both Sauri and Dr. Phillip Rotter, chief medical officer for orthopedic trauma, described Korcsmaros as being calm after the ordeal.

It’s unknown whether Korcsmaros, 52, would regain full use of her arm.

“[May is] when our sharks become more abundant in our local waters … and the animals peak in abundance around June and July”, Jim Gelsleichter, a shark expert at the University of North Florida told WJXT. She is a personal trainer and aerobics instructor, according to her Facebook page.

Doctors said the bite mark Korcsmaros suffered was about 18 inches wide, meaning it was likely caused by an adult great white shark at least 10 feet long – extremely rare in these waters. Korcsmaros was not immediately sure it was a shark, he said.

Burgess has previously said that the rising population of humans and increased beach activities are the main driver of shark attacks, but notes that the odds of a fatal shark attacks are so low that a beach goers face a higher risk of being killed “by sand collapsing as the result of over achieving sand castle builders”.

Officials say the mother of three was training for a half-Iron Man competition when she was attacked Sunday off Corona Del Mar State Beach.

Sauri said Korcsmaros will survive, but that the shark left a very large bite mark.

The attack prompted authorities to clear the ocean water of swimmers from the Balboa Pier south to Crystal Cove State Beach. The stretch reopened at noon Tuesday. She was swimming in a wetsuit just outside buoys marking a protected swimming area near a boat route.

The lifeguards who saw the woman witnessed the last part of the attack and quickly ruled out any kind of boating or watercraft accident, Williams said.

Lowe said he’s not surprised to see a shark attack so early in the season.

Officials closed area beaches and searched miles of shoreline by boat and helicopter but didn’t find the shark, The Los Angeles Times reported.

He noted the injuries were not believed to be life-threatening. While this encounter was OK, other sharks attack.


And across the United States in Neptune Beach, Florida, a shark bit a 13-year-old boy on the calf while he waded in the water, according to the Washington Post.

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