
Latest Iowa Poll: GOP Has a New ‘Top Tier’ Candidate

“For Ben Carson to make this statement and then deny it, could be the pathological disease that he wrote about acting up again”, he said in a statement.


Donald Trump’s presidential campaign warned the Republican Party on Tuesday about donors pooling funds for attack ads, saying Republicans must treat him fairly if they want to keep him from launching an independent bid. Rand Paul of Kentucky each received 2 percent in the Fox News poll.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is looking more and more like a top-tier contender in Iowa. The Quinnipiac poll of 600 likely GOP caucusgoers found 25 support Trump while 23 percent support Cruz. Marco Rubio of Florida to 5 points for Mr. Trump and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson.

Cruz’s 13-point rise in the last month mirrors the latest CBS News Battleground Tracker released Sunday, which showed Cruz at 21 percent behind Trump, who notched 30 percent, while Carson had 19 percent support.

Other interesting tidbits into the minds of Iowa likely Republican Caucus participants: They oppose 81 – 15 percent allowing Syrian refugees into the USA and oppose 82 – 13 percent allowing them into Iowa.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) on Tuesday joined those pushing back on Trump’s statement. Today, the spotlight turns to Sen.

The 2016 Iowa Caucus is February 1, leaving only a couple months for Cruz to dig in further in Iowa, and prove that Cruz’s strategy of attrition can win him the nomination.


USA presidential candidate Donald Trump says the US should engage in much more aggressive interrogation techniques on terrorism suspects as he continues to push a hard line on national security after the Paris attacks. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee won the 2008 caucus and former Sen. He hardened his lead among Republican primary voters nationally and in early-voting New Hampshire, while retaking the lead from Mr. Carson in Iowa, home to the country’s first nominating contest. Ted Cruz, who is now in the fourth place with eight percent, has to work harder to catch up to his rivals.

2016 Presidential Polls Update: Donald Trump Still on the Lead; Statistician