
Latest SC poll gives Trump big lead

A new poll from the Hampton University Center For Public Policy shows a dead heat between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump if the election were held today.


Dozens of Republican national security leaders released a letter last month warning that Trump would risk the nation’s “national security and well-being”.

And another survey, this one by The Washington Post looking at all 50 states, shows Clinton with a solid lead in terms of electoral college votes, and even strength in some traditional Republican strongholds. These swing states are likely to prove crucial in November as the two candidates jostle for superiority.

Clinton holds a healthier lead in MA in the Post/SurveyMonkey survey, receiving 56% in a two-way race and 48% in a four-way contest, versus 33% and 29% for Trump, respectively.

The first presidential debate on 26 could be the inflection point in the campaign.

“I think the numbers of this poll are skewed”, Bergstein said.

In addition to leading Trump in MA, the former secretary of state almost doubled her GOP rival in expected electoral votes, winning 244 of the 270 needed to clinch the White House, compared to Trump’s his 126, according to the survey released Tuesday.

Yesterday, the candidates used “Labor Day” – the traditional launch of the home stretch of the presidential campaign – to push their arguments that they would be best for working-class Americans.

But the Republican flagbearer’s unorthodox White House bid, including his campaign’s apparent imperviousness to criticism about his harsh rhetoric, assures a tight contest for the next two months. “And you know, friends don’t let friends vote for Trump”.

Unions gave us higher wages, weekends, and the largest middle class in the world.

Tragically, Clinton has vowed to repeal the common sense Hyde Amendment, which bars taxpayer funding of abortion except in the rare cases of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother, she said.

Clinton’s 25-minute question-and-answer session was her first extensive availability with reporters since early December. TRUMP: I really do believe that, yes.

Yesterday, Trump followed Clinton’s lead, inviting some journalists aboard his private jet where he discussed his immigration platform.

Gallagher added that, while Mr. Trump supports a ban on grisly late-term abortions, Mrs. Clinton voted against the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act while serving as a U.S. Senator. One such extended coughing episode at a rally in OH was once again touted as evidence of her poor health, with Trump’s rightwing supporters and conspiracy theorists working themselves into a frenzy on social media (#HackingHillary was the trending hashtag on Tuesday). He focused on his proposed border wall plan in a Tuesday interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America”.

Women prefer Clinton 53 to 38 percent, while men favor Trump 54 to 32 percent, it said.

The gender gap works the other way for Trump.

The candidates were joined by their running mates yesterday in OH, a signal of the importance each campaign places on the Buckeye State. While Ms. Clinton’s grasp of policy and patience for detail are far superior to Mr. Trump, it is unclear as to how their face off will play out.

If Trump loses OH, he loses the race.


After the death of former first lady Nancy Reagan in March, media organizations dredged up disparaging remarks Trump had made about her in 2004, when he said, “She was never very handsome”.

Clinton gets Gored