
Latinos for Trump founder warns of ‘taco trucks on every corner’

So when Marco Gutierrez, the founder of “Latinos for Trump” (yes, this is a real organisation), proclaimed that if Hillary Clinton wins there will be “taco trucks on every corner”, pretty much the entire world rejoiced at the prospect. After all, who wouldn’t want a taco truck on their corner?


One day earlier, Gutierrez had spoken in more measured and thoughtful terms in the less politicized setting of CNBC.

Comedian Akilah Hughes tweeted a gif of raining tacos and pledged: “I will vote for whoever promises #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner”. He writes the OC Weekly’s syndicated column “Ask A Mexican” and is also the author of Taco USA.

“What problems? What problems are you talking about?” “And even with taco trucks, you’d call them roach coaches. this idea that somehow Mexican food is not healthy for you, and even poisonous”.

Steady yourself. There’s still loads more campaigning to go. A taco truck on every corner means a dramatic shift in how America views itself, sure, but it also means a new economy built on serving up burritos or developing new, more fuel-efficient box trucks. Does the spread of Mexican-oriented businesses make you feel encroached on, like your culture is being taken over by another culture? “Wish a taco truck would show up here once in a while”.

Gina Cordero was taking a selfie to post to Twitter under the hashtag. To avoid having a Master of None-style meltdown on it, though, restrict yourself to one list of The 16 Best Taco Trucks in Springfield. “We have a culture that, we have a lot of good things that we bring to the United States”.

“Damn, if those trucks got some vegan bean burritos, I’m down for #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner!” one health-conscious enthusiast raved. Let’s split the difference and say that, to start, we’re going to need two entrepreneur-chefs per truck for a total of about 1.15 million people to get this program off the ground.


It may too late to stop the Taco Takeover – at least in Phoenix.

Latinos for Trump founder warns of 'taco trucks on every corner' if Hillary Clinton wins election