
Lawmaker: “We are Ryan Republicans, not Trump Republicans”

“We will have disagreements, but we will disagree as friends”, Trump said.


Trump also threw his support behind McCain, of Arizona, who he took to task for being captured and held as a POW during Vietnam. “We have to make them”, Trump said.

The dividing lines appear to extend as far as the GOP ticket: Vice presidential nominee Mike Pence told Fox News on Wednesday that he endorses Ryan, contradicting Trump’s refusal to endorse Ryan on Tuesday. “John McCain for his service to our country in uniform and in public office, and I fully support and endorse his reelection”.

Donald Trump is making a rare admission he was wrong – in claiming he saw a video of a USA cash payment going to Iran.

Absent from the event will be the state’s Republican governor Scott Walker who said he will viewing flood damage in northern Wisconsin.

Paul Ryan is the top USA elected Republican.

But he was criticized by his own campaign surrogates for his comments this week, and Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus was reportedly very upset that Trump refused to endorse Ryan. He reiterated his support for Trump hours before the endorsement, but he noted that his support wasn’t a “blank check” and pledged to speak out against the businessman’s divisive positions if necessary.

Vos says “we are Ryan Republicans here in Wisconsin, not Trump Republicans”. He has skipped from one misstep to the next, sparking a fresh wave of Republican defections among longtime party loyalists who refuse to support their presidential nominee -some even publicly support Clinton.

Eager to change their minds, Trump unleashed a torrent of insults at Clinton throughout the day.

“In one way, she’s a monster”, he said in Wisconsin.

Trump also defended himself against what he called the news media’s claim that he kicked a baby out of an event earlier this week in Virginia.

Donald Trump doled out a litany of verbal assaults against Hillary Clinton on Saturday night, questioning whether the former secretary of State looks presidential and raising doubts about her ability to lead as fallout continues from her use of a personal email server while at the State Department. “I love babies”, he said.

She maintained that “I never sent or received anything marked classified”, while acknowledging that some material she sent may retroactively have been considered classified by other government agencies. “We’re going to do a lot of wonderful things”, he added.


Peoples reported in Washington.

Donald Trump has suddenly endorsed Paul Ryan and two Republican senators seeking re-election