
Lawmakers, activists come together on World AIDS Day

December 1st marks World AIDS Day and this year’s theme is “AIDS Will Lose”.


De Marco and other advocates further cited a need for housing programs for homeless people being treated for HIV or AIDS, saying homelessness disrupts their medical care and also makes them vulnerable to being sexually exploited and spreading HIV.

Here in the Desert Southwest Yuma United Church of Christ held a commemoration on behalf of those that are living with and have passed away with HIV or AIDS.

The foundation even called for deeper compassion for people living with or affected by HIV and AIDS. In 2014 alone, two million people were newly infected.

At present, it’s estimated there are around 36.9 million people across the world living with HIV, including around 2.6 million children, and around 1.2 million in the US.

The department revealed that, to date, they have tested over 700 000 people for HIV and Aids since October this year. “They need this information, how to use condoms correctly because the majority of them don’t use protection, ” said Alvarez.

“I’m open about it at work and I’m open about it to my friends”, said Christopher Hetzer, who tested HIV-positive a year ago. He said this is suggestive of a reduction in new infections and an indication that the health sector interventions are having positive impact.

‘On this day, let us pay tribute to those whom HIV/AIDS took from us too soon, and let us recognize those who continue to fight for a world free from AIDS, ‘ he states.

One in three people who are living with HIV/AIDS have faced some sort of discrimination.

Nyarko said once the strategy is implemented, those diagnosed with HIV will immediately start taking life-saving ARV drugs, rather than waiting until their immune system weakens.

Brazil has seen an overall decline in the number of people with HIV, but the number had risen sharply between 2012 and 2013, sparking concerns the virus was not being adequately tackled.


Access IHS materials to promote HIV testing in your facility or community.

The Gautng health department spokesperson Steve Mabona