
Lawmakers Debating Adding Transgender To Civil Rights Bill

IN senators have another day before they debate any changes to a bill that would protect lesbian, gay and bisexual – but not transgender – people from discrimination, as Republicans who control the chamber put off action Monday following a closed-door meeting and lobbying pressure. Religious conservatives, meanwhile, argue that while the bill permits exemptions for clergy members and religious businesses and organizations, it would still force people outside those categories to provide services for things they object to like same-sex marriages.


Lawmakers heard more than four hours of testimony after making a series of complicated changes to SB344, including some changes which could essentially repeal last year’s controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Authors of the bill say its objective is to balance religious liberty and create additional protections.

“The far right, the far left are so passionate on this”.

Long says there will be a vote on the measure this week even if there’s not enough support for the bill to pass. “But those are extreme positions, and you have to remember that”. The state Senate is expected to take up the measure this week.

Long questioned whether the measure, which would reduce the income tax rate to 3.06 percent in 2025, was prudent. It would restrict sales on over-the-counter pseudoephedrine which is a key meth ingredient.

The Senate, meanwhile, has a measure that would allow pharmacists to turn down suspicious customers looking to buy such medicines. They are regular people and deserve equal rights.


The bill has already passed through a committee.

Some charter schools were miffed when they got far less federal poverty aid in 2015