
Lawmakers Revise HB2, Leave Transgender Bathroom Provision Intact

Pat McCrory, who had requested the change.


Moore, speaking about Cooper, said, “I wish that the attorney general would defend the laws of the state of North Carolina”.

Thus far it is not known how seriously North Carolina Republican lawmakers are taking the National Basketball Association over the transgender issue. Earlier Friday, the House passed the budget 91-22 and sent it on to Gov.

Instead, under House Bill 2 people had to sue under federal law.

But with the session heading toward a conclusion, it appears any major changes to the controversial bill are unlikely.

If there is a change, House Speaker Tim Moore says it would involve restoring a worker’s right to sue for discrimination in state court. A number of people in that group, however, reportedly changed their minds after receiving calls from A.G. Cooper.

“Lawmakers may have run out the clock on this short session, but they won’t be able to run away from North Carolina’s voters in November”.

Prior to this, there was no indication that North Carolina’s Republican-led administration would budge when they were faced with a deadline placed by the Department of Justice, over potential civil rights violations which Inquisitr reported on.

The NBA and the Charlotte Hornets have been discussing potential changes to the law with North Carolina lawmakers after hinting that the league could move its 2017 All-Star game from Charlotte due to the law. The North Carolina Value Coalition is backing the potential HB2 revision. But he said Democrats remained concerned that proposed changes don’t fix fundamental problems with the law.

On Tuesday, someone within the Republican House Caucus leaked a proposed draft of updates to the bill, NC Values Coaltion executive director Tami Fitzgerald said, which set off “a flurry of activity”. Commissioner Adam Silver said last month that progress toward changing the law was needed this summer to ensure the event stays in the city. Many Democrats and other critics have said the whole law must be repealed. “If the game leaves and the franchise, the Hornet potentially leave, think of the disgusting domino effect that’s going to have on our continued economic weakness”, Sgro said.

Entertainers including Bruce Springsteen canceled concerts to protest the law, while scores of business leaders signed a letter seeking its repeal.


Texas government began to issue similar bills in 2015, but was spurred back into action when Fort Worth Independent School District’s superintendent Kent Scribner adopted a transgender policy for his schools in April, who Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick went after in May in the same week as the deadline issued to North Carolina.

NBA, Hornets: 'We do not endorse' revised version of N.C. House Bill 2