
Lawrence wins for Joy

Some Golden Globes red carpet viewers weren’t too impressed with “Today” show host Matt Lauer’s interviewing skills. “Joy” is Lawrence’s third film with director David O. Russell. She previously won in this category three years ago for “Silver Linings Playbook” and in the supporting actress category two years ago for “American Hustle”. “And I’m A. Schu”, said Schumer. Well, I’ll tell you this.


Who do you think should win for Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy: J. Law or Amy Schumer?

Not only does she dress in Dior, she has also worn Dior Make Up. “Great site just not how we met”, she captioned a TBT picture of her and Caramele. “I want us to be buried next to each other – I really do”.

Tom Ford is among the latest batch of Golden Globes presenters revealed today. But there was no drama between them. Lawrence first contacted Schumer after seeing Trainwreck, and they’ve been close ever since.

“Oooh, like AmesTomHardy”, said Schumer.

Schumer and Lawrence even went on vacation together this summer. They’ve vacationed together, they’re writing a screenplay together, and they seem genuinely happy for one another’s successes. He told her she looked attractive to which she replied, “Thank you, that’s all I care about”.

But while Amy’s delivery was HIGHlarious, we have to admit we’re kind of over Jen. “No. The friendship is completely over”, Schumer joked to Entertainment Tonight. They’ve eaten Thanksgiving dinner with Diane Sawyer on Martha’s Vineyard. Lawrence called the script “funny”, “dirty”, and “real”.

“You can’t just give yourself a celeb nickname”, Lawrence informed her friend, cracking up the audience.


“I’m thinking we’ve got a pretty amusing, good movie”. “It’s got to come naturally”.

Stallone wins Globe for best supporting actor in Creed