
Lawsuit: Anti-abortion group secretly recorded providers

U.S. District Judge William Orrick late Friday issued a temporary restraining order blocking the defendants from releasing videos and audio recordings containing NAF member names and addresses, and dates and locations of future meetings, pending a hearing on Monday.


“There’s a reason they don’t want their activity discussed in the light of day”.

A federal judge on Friday blocked the release of any recordings made at meetings of an abortion providers association by an anti-abortion group that recently revealed secretly recorded videos of a Planned Parenthood leader.

The National Institutes of Health Revitalization Act of 1993 notes that while “research on the transplantation of human fetal tissue for therapeutic purposes”, including that obtained from “spontaneous or induced” abortions, is legal, the sale of such tissue is illegal. In an op-ed for the Washington Post, Ruth Marcus argues even though the callousness shown by the PP officials is “stomach-churning”, defunding the organization would be illogical since it would “increase abortions”.

The videos spurred Senate lawmakers, including Iowa’s Joni Ernst, to draft a bill to defund Planned Parenthood. It claims the organization and its employees have done nothing wrong and that the videos are meant to promote an anti-abortion political agenda. De Blasio did not attend the rally, but issued a statement of support.

Planned Parenthood denies all wrongdoing and said defunding the group – which receives $500 million in federal funding, though none of the money can be spent legally toward abortion services – would prevent services for 2.7 million women.

Brown’s office did not comment on whether the governor had seen any of the videos, or whether the allegations and the organization’s use of state funding warranted investigation.

But at the same time, Ginde talks about how Planned Parenthood can maximise its profit.

I have to admit that my first reaction to the Planned Parenthood videos was to cringe and try to avoid the topic.

Planned Parenthood must be supported, not attacked”.

“The recent reports that Planned Parenthood has sold the tissue of unborn babies for profit is deeply disturbing”.

“My personal belief… is that ethical questions about medical care and medical research are best resolved among medical professionals…” “It is my hope that such an investigation will be fair, thorough and deliberate”. In Maryland, Thursday, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton defended Planned Parenthood. Like Brown and Atkins, she declined to discuss the issue in detail. “We all know that yes, that’s what we we’re doing”, the investigator said.

“These are comprehensive health care centers, something that Planned Parenthood is not”, said Mallory Quigley, a spokeswoman for Susan B. Anthony List. Susan Collins (R-Maine), who said she is likely to vote against the bill. “For this payment, the wholesaler is allowed to place a retrieval agent inside the clinic where he or she is given access to the corpses of children killed there and a workspace to harvest their parts“.


Daleiden has said more video releases are planned. “And the more you keep open the need for such material, the more you entice the committal of actions – like abortion – that are evil and opposed to life”.

BREAKING: Planned Parenthood caught in FOURTH VIDEO showing the horrific