
Lawsuit filed over whether Ted Cruz is a ‘natural born citizen’

“I’m hoping that Ted Cruz doesn’t actually feel that way”. “A presidential candidate should not try and tear up the country by tearing up section by section”.


Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump took aim at rival Ted Cruz in a series of Saturday morning tweets, taunting Cruz over challenges to his citizenship and reports that he did not disclose campaign loans.

Cuomo suggested Cruz has a better opinion of NY when he needs campaign money from Wall Street. Houston attorney Newton B. Schwartz seeking a Texas court ruling on whether Cruz meets the constitutional requirement that the president be a “natural born” citizen. He said donors in NY should not give to Cruz.

The jab appeared to be an attempt to dismantle Trump’s identity as a conservative, but many said it backfired after an emotional response from Trump, who was born and raised in Queens.

“I am from NY”.

“So, he has no trouble taking money from New York City, but he’s quick to insult our people and our values”.

“She meant Jewish”, Toby says with a sarcastic grin, “When she said ‘New York sense of humor'”.

Cuccinelli: Social liberalism, and a pushy version of it, and I think that’s sort of an expectation in the political arena, that’s what we understand.

Like a New Yorker extracting their fist at the first whisper of a safe word, Donald Trump sprung into action. “I apologize to the millions of New Yorkers who’ve been let down by liberal politicians”. “I think Ted Cruz owes the people of New York City an apology”.

He repeated the attack throughout the week on Fox News and on the stage of the sixth Republican presidential debate Thursday night hosted by the Fox Business Network. It’s got loving people, wonderful people.

Trump also spread numerous birther theories that hung over President Barack Obama when he ran for office, fueled by conspiracy theorists who did not believe that Obama was born in the US, as he was.

Besides, he argued, what Cruz said is “not even true about New York: We have a significant Conservative Party and movement”, and Cuomo has to “deal with them every day”.

“You’re right, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Andrew Cuomo and Bill de Blasio”, have asked me to apologize”, Cruz said. “People are going to see through this as hypocrisy of the highest order”.


‘Donald Trump is proud of being a New Yorker, and Ted’s proud of being a Texan, and…they’re rather dramatically different.

New Yorkers blast Cruz's comments on 'New York values'