
Lawsuit From Alton Sterling Witness Alleges Police Stole Surveillance Footage

According to Reuters, the East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office’s records show that Iesha Evans was booked on a charge of simple obstruction of a highway and released, one of 102 people arrested on July 9 during protests against police brutality. The Washington Post said it “captured a critical moment for the country”, while Britain’s Daily Mail website called it “an iconic arrest photo”.


One of the suspected burglars arrested in the plot was a 13-year-old, ABC News reports. Police said they believe a fourth suspect remains on the loose.

Six of the eight stolen firearms have been recovered and two are still at large, authorities said.

Abdullah Muflahi, owner of the store where Alton Sterling was shot and killed, is suing the Baton Rouge Police Department.

Dabadie said at Tuesday’s news conference that he had no evidence that the suspects in the alleged plot mentioned any connection to the shooting of Sterling or the ensuing protests.

The governor says a Baton Rouge police officer had teeth knocked out with a rock thrown by protesters.

President Obama and former President George W. Bush are attending a big rally in Dallas today to call for healing and reconciliation in the wake of deadly police shootings last week in Louisiana and Minnesota, as well as the sniper attack that left five Dallas police officers dead and more than a half-dozen wounded-an act of revenge, according to the shooter, for police violence against black Americans.

In several cities around the United States hundreds of people have been arrested protesting the police shootings of Alton Sterling and another man killed by police last week, Philando Castile, over the weekend, through Monday evening.

Earlier Tuesday, Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards defended the police response to protesters rallying against the shooting death of a black man by white officers, saying Tuesday that the riot gear and weaponry was appropriate.

“When the subject attempted to reach for the gun from his pocket, the officers fired their police-issued duty weapon at the subject to stop the threat”, the warrant application stated. The Justice Department has opened a federal civil rights investigation into Sterling’s shooting.

Community leaders have tried to defuse tension and keep interactions between protesters and law enforcement calm.

As for the dispute over the warrant filing, attorney Joel Porter said the officers’ timeline “definitely’ doesn’t add up”.


The black woman in the photograph stands in calm protest, her long dress fluttering in the breeze as two policemen clad in the heavy black padding and helmets of riot gear rush to remove her from a roadway in Baton Rouge, La. For the protection of AP and its licensors, content may not be copied, altered or redistributed in any form. Please see our terms of service for more information.

A protester is grabbed by police officers in riot gear after she refused to leave the motor way in front of the the Baton Rouge Police Department Headquarters in Baton Rouge La. Police made nearly 200 arres