
Leader lines up `People’s Railway’

“We’ve got rid of him too“, Renzi said, warning dissident factions within his own PD party of the dangers of splitting from the mainstream leadership. At the party conference, the former leader and deputy prime minister rallied the troops by recalling they had been knocked to the floor before and always recovered “as dawn follows the darkest hour”.


Despite only having eight MPs after a disastrous general election, Mr Farron insisted his party was the only “credible” opposition to the Tories.

And the Lib Dems should be more anxious about defections from them to Labour, according to peer and Lib Dem member Baroness Tonge.

“It will be a very long process but ultimately, this movement might well have to become a fully fledged political party”.

Tom Watson said there was “bound to be a bit of turbulence” as Mr Corbyn attempted a “political realignment” of the party.

His successor as Lib Dem leader, Tim Farron claims this year’s conference is the best attended in the party’s history. “This general seems to have forgotten that we live in a democracy”.

He said: “I met with Jeremy when I was in London last week”.

Britain is teeming with liberals, some of them are not yet in the Liberal Democrats”.

Lady Tonge, a former MP for Richmond Park, quit the Lib Dem parliamentary group in 2012 after refusing to apologise for saying Israel “is not going to be there forever”; however, she remains a member of the party. “Left-wing” politics and economics i.e. humane politics and economics, are robust and entirely rational.

People who have pointed out that MPs backed government plans to slash spending on tax credits yesterday – and that that conspicuously didn’t make the front pages as Tories whipped up a storm about Corbyn and a song about the Queen – are apparently really missing the point. I believe in the two-state solution.

“If we vote to leave the European Union , I have no doubt that the SNP will gleefully grab to opportunity to persuade the people of Scotland to leave the United Kingdom as well”.

“I think he is the last person my colleagues would confide in if they were distressed about the direction of the Labour party”. Greening made this statement on Andrew Marr show on BBC. The question is what do you do?

Mr Corbyn’s choice of Angela Eagle as his shadow business secretary is also a matter of some interest.

Mr Farron said: “It’s quite a good gag, but he’s flattering himself if he thinks he would ever have been in the Beatles…” I am told that more than one shadow cabinet minister felt that Dodds spoke for them.

She said: “It was a gift for a friend who has a soft spot for Jeremy Corbyn”. I find it extremely sinister.

“Of course we are in a weak position, it wold be ridiculous to suggest otherwise”.


“He added: “(A new party) is conceivable at the end point that is where you finish up. “If that leads to something else, fine, but let’s concentrate on the cooperation”.

Leader lines up `People's Railway'