
Leaders on the economy

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper has defended his move to contact Bank of Canada Governor, Stephen Poloz, during the federal election campaign as he insisted that managing the economy is a key responsibility of the Prime Minister.


The economy was again front and centre today as the federal leaders continued campaigning and North American markets showed signs of rebounding a day after a major plunge. We not only have the strongest banking system in the world at the national level, we have a government that has balanced its budget with a very low level of debt and some of the lowest levels of taxes in 50 years.

You do not – as any financial planner will tell you, whether it’s from the prime minister on down – you do not run around and change your plans based on daily market news.

Both Mulcair and Trudeau blamed Harper for the current economic mess, saying Harper is the only Canadian Prime Minister to have presided over two recessions.

“You have a long-term plan and you stick to it”.

Trudeau said Harper’s economic plan has failed the middle class by seeking to make wealthy people wealthier and “to give the most to those who need the least”.


Stephen Harper will also be talking economics, but he chose relatively fertile ground to spread his message.

Leaders on the economy