
Leah Remini: ‘Being Critical Of Tom Cruise Is Being Critical Of Scientology

Remini said it was a hard decision to leave the church but she was able to escape with the help of her close friend, Jennifer Lopez.


The “King of Queens” actress also delved into how she got caught up in Scientology and the methods they used to isolate members from the rest of the world. The demands of being a Scientologist in good standing was taking too much time away from her family, and she started to understand why people call it a cult.

“The decision to leave is… you’re giving up everything you’ve worked for your whole life”, she says in a preview clip of the interview, set to air on Friday, October 30.

In March, Remini praised Alex Gibney’s HBO documentary Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief, which examines the church’s more controversial practices and the influence that stars like Tom Cruise have on the organization and its members.

“Indoctrinated into the church as a child while living with her mother and sister in New York, Remini eventually moved to Los Angeles, where her dreams of becoming an actress and advancing Scientology’s causes grew increasingly intertwined”, read press materials for the book. Harris goes on to ask, “If you knew Tom Cruise was watching this, what would you say to him?”

Remini sat down with ABC’s 20/20 recently to discuss her role in Scientology, which she ultimately quit in 2013. And I want them to understand how it happens.

In the months after Remini left the church, she lamented the time she spent studying Scientology scripture instead of being with her young daughter.

Despite leaving the church two years ago, the association does not seem to be pleased with the 45-year-olds sentiments and public announcements.


Remini’s new book will be available for purchase on November. 3.

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