
Leaked Democratic email indicates potential effort to smear Sanders as atheist

WikiLeaks pushed its crusade for transparency by releasing an additional 20,000 emails from the Democratic National Party on Friday.


The leak includes 751 emails from the committee’s Northern California Finance Director Robert Erik Stowe.

In another email dated May 21, 2016, DNC press secretary Mark Paustenbach wrote to communications director Luis Miranda suggesting they plant a story that Sanders’s campaign was in chaos.

One amusing email has a DNC official responding to a question about his lunch order by snapping, “The salad with chicken asshole”, which is either a refreshing indication that the DNC office is a typical American workplace, or it means they order lunch from restaurants that serve disgusting dishes, such as chicken asshole salad.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) privately lashed out about a top Bernie SandersBernie SandersOutcry from Sanders supporters after leaked DNC “atheism” emails Budowsky: Why Warren masters Trump Wasserman Schultz called top Sanders aide a “damn liar” in leaked email MORE campaign aide, calling him a “damn liar” in an email earlier this year. Does he believe in a God. “My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist”, DNC chief financial officer Brad Marshall wrote. It wasn’t immediately clear why staff at the party’s political arm, which doesn’t officially endorse presidential candidates during the primaries, would have been strategizing for Clinton at the time.

“I would not be running for president of the United States if I did not have very strong religious and spiritual feelings”, Sanders said. Elias did not respond to a request for comment late Friday.

The DNC temporarily curtailed Sanders’ access to the list in December 2015 because the organization accused the insurgent campaign of illegally tapping into confidential voter information compiled by the Clinton campaign.

One potential complication is that Sanders’s supporters are crucial to Democratic hopes of retaining the White House in the fall. But any revelations, it seems, will be balanced against potential risk to donors. Some emails also show DNC and White House officials mulling whether to invite guests with controversial backgrounds to Democratic party events.


And top DNC officials were not happy when they were called out for taking sides.

Leaked E-Mail Shows Top DNC Official's Interest In Whether Bernie Sanders Believes In God