
Leander proposes $126M budget, lower tax rate for FY 2016-17

The council unanimously approved the general fund summary with Appropriation Ordinance No. 1779, and related ordinance, Resolution No. 20160901, which Sadler said was required to set a property tax amount request different from last fiscal year, due to an increase of approximately $60,000.


Council president Jim Hilty said just before the hearing that there was no need to raise the millage rate because property values were on the rise. The city’s total 2016-2017 budget, if formally approved next Tuesday, will be $731,543,320.

On a $100,000 home, the taxes will be $140, city clerk Ann Matera said. Moore said he credits the city’s location and low property tax rate for attracting a yet-to-be-constructed ballpark in Bellmead that could potentially house an independent professional team.

The general fund expenditures are set at $2.83 million and the utilities budget at $2.4 million.

The city of Leander proposed a tax rate of $0.599 per $100 valuation for the 2016-17 fiscal year-a decrease of $0.03392 from the FY 2015-16 rate of $0.63292 per $100. “This budget does not include any improvements to service levels or capital needs”, he said.

Last year’s levy rate was.58372.

Voters on May 7 forced the city to roll the tax rate back nearly two cents, from 31.86 cents per $100 of property value to the current rate, after Moore hit the streets in a petition drive.

The second public hearing on the proposed budget is scheduled September 27, when the council intends to vote on the budget and tax rate.

During the budget meeting the Venice City Council is expected to raise the millage rate from its current 3.1 percent to 3.6 percent.

Property tax revenue makes up 18 percent of the general fund revenue, and sales tax revenue makes up 45 percent, according to budget documents.


“We’re not hurting for money”. “It’s not that the city is financially strapped. I’m glad Councilman Sparks joined me so we could at least have a discussion about it, but it is apparent that the majority of council has no problem raising your taxes and is not receptive to making significant cuts to the budget”.

On Tuesday the Fort Worth City Council will vote on a $1.65 billion budget for the next fiscal year