
Leapling -year-old Millie has only had two birthdays

2016 will have 366 days, thanks to the leap year, so you have that to blame for spending an extra day at work this year!


NEW YORK | Leap Year is more than just a quirky thing that happens to newborns on the occasional 29th of February. If they did, our calendar would shift by an average of 11 minutes a year, leaving it a full day out of alignment with the orbital period within a century. Or exactly what it means for people born on that day?

And if you think the 20 years that it took the American Colonies to finally ratify the Gregorian calendar was a long time, that was nothing compared to Russian Federation, which finally accepted calendar reformation in 1918. “Then you could have two”.

She said a promenade was held after the dancing with the boys leaning on the girls’ arms and being fanned. But, despite sometimes feeling cheated, Mrs Parke said a birthday on the 29th makes her memorable. “We usually celebrate my birthday on Feb. 28 because it’s still February”.

The year she turned 21, she tried to upgrade her driver’s license, but even though she was born on the last day of February, had to wait until March.

Did you know that there is a belief in Nigeria that leap years have a greater risk of death and that calamities were bound op happen on such years???

“It’s really cool”, she said. A quick search on the Internet yielded Leap Day deals at restaurants, bars, hotels, resorts, and other entertainment venues, many of which included “29” in a special price or discount. “I deserve the whole week since I don’t get to celebrate on my real birthday”.

So when you look at it that way, you’re not getting paid to work on February 29.

“It’s cool”, Elise said.

“They called and said they were having a party for a 16-year-old”, she said.

Selby officially turns 2 on Monday but typically celebrates his birthday on March 1, making him an 8 year old. It had 12 months and 365 days and adjusted for the longer solar year with a leap day every four years. “I would definitely not be born on any other day if I had the choice”.

Krista McLean of Airdrie, Alta., said she was initially chagrined when she gave birth to a leap day baby eight years ago. I like to celebrate yours and mine and everybody who is fortunate to have lived another year. Caesar embraced the concept, and introduced the Julian calendar with a leap year added every four years, replacing the previous Roman calendar: a complex 355 day system with an extra 22 day month added every four years!

A year is the time it takes for the Earth to orbit the sun.

“When Amy had Corey at the hospital, they told her “‘You don’t want to have a Leap Year baby” and I was like “I don’t have much of a choice'”, she said. For a leap year to occur, it must be a year that is evenly divisible by 4.

That, Parkin said, further undercuts the idea that Leap Year somehow offered a breath of independence.

Babies born February 29 were considered unlucky and not just because they were cheated out of three-quarters of their birthdays.


According to Irv Bromberg at the University of Toronto, “the Gregorian calendar has a 400-year repeat cycle, in which every year number divisible by four (2016, for example) has a leap day appended to February, except if the year number is divisible by 100, in which case it is a leap year only if the year number is also divisible by 400”.

Ruge will celebrate his sweet 16 or his 64 actual years on Monday