
Lebanese prime minister suggests resignation over garbage crisis

Police said they used water cannon and tear gas to disperse protesters who hurled garbage and tried to break through a security barricade.


Activists chant slogans as Lebanese riot policemen stand guard in…

Protesters on Saturday shouted “The individuals need to topple the regime!” the Occasions reported, a phrase utilized by protesters throughout Arab Spring uprisings that introduced down governments throughout the area.

In addition, the country has not had a president in more than a year.

The angry protester demand that the government take immediate measures to gather the garbage that has been accumulating on the capital’s streets over the past month.

Protesters, activists and civil society groups remained camped out Sunday at Riad al-Solh Square near the Grand Serail, one day after a massive protest organized by You Stink turned violent.

Protesters threw projectiles at a line of riot police blocking a road to the Grand Saray government buildings in central Beirut.

The government has been unable to find an alternative system for waste management as a result of government paralysis. Parliament has extended its own term twice and has not convened because lawmakers differ on whether they can continue working before voting for a president.

Residents in this proud Mediterranean city have resorted to burning trash on the streets and dumping garbage into valleys, rivers and near the sea, leading to warnings of a health catastrophe.

Saturday’s protest was attended by thousands and the biggest to date over uncollected rubbish.

Shots also rang out near the prime minister’s office, where thousands of people had also clashed the day before.

A protester has been killed during anti-corruption demonstrations in Beirut, the first fatality since mass demonstrations began in the Lebanese capital on Saturday, the Red Cross has said.

“We entirely refuse to negotiate with the Cabinet until it takes effective and clear measures to guarantee holding the responsible political and security officials accountable and back down on the excessive use of violence with protesters“. The small country is made up of various religious and ethnic groups that have a testy relationship with each other.


“There are now at least 16 people who are wounded in total”, a Red Cross official told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.
