
LeBron James To Pay $42 Million For College Tuition

James has partnered with the University of Akron to give full four-year scholarships to qualifying Akron teens.


LeBron James will be sending 1,100 kids to college at the University of Akron come 2021 as part of his scholarships program. The scholarship will cover tuition and the university’s general service fee – now $9,500 per year.

James shared that he can relate to the Nike Rise kids, saying “I know exactly what a lot of these kids are going through”. “These students have big dreams, and I’m happy to do everything I can to help them get there”.

Speaking of the importance of education, Dr Scarborough said the university was proud to be affiliated with the Foundation and also spoke about how his grandfather moved his entire family to be near a university – and worked long hours – so that he could fulfil his ambition to graduate. As his celebrity soared in high school, James played many game on the school’s campus and the four-time MVP deepened his connection with Akron soon after he turned professional. “As a kid growing up in the inner city and as an African American kid, you don’t really think past high school because it’s not possible or your family can’t support you. For us to be able to do something like this … it means so much”. LeBron posted an Instagram photo of new uniform designs for high school football coach Ken Boyd and his Kenmore High Cardinals team.

The announcement has come shortly after it was revealed in local media that UA has been troubled financially and is being forced to make cuts of up to $40m (£25.5m). “I’ve looking forward this for a while now”, James said during the brief press conference at the House of Rise Thursday afternoon.

Calling it “a special movement”, the athlete said he understands the hardships of parents unable to send their children to college thanks to money troubles.


JPMorgan Chase is providing a program to track the progress of students in the program.

LeBron James visits Manila