
Led Coalition Air Strikes Hit IS In Iraq, Syria

The country’s security officials said that militants from the Islamic State group blew up a sports stadium near the militant-held city of Ramadi. It said the death toll was likely to rise because numerous wounded suffered critical injuries.


In Syria, the coalition said eight air strikes around Hasakah – where Islamic State militants launched an offensive last month – hit six fighting positions, three vehicles, two weapons caches and a bunker system.

The Turkish-funded stadium, near the militant-held city of Ramadi, had never been used for sports. Iraqi security officials said that militants from the Islamic State group blew up a sports stadium near the militant-held city of Ramadi.

At least 25 ISIL members and 15 Iraqi security personnel were killed Sunday in separate incidents across Iraq’s western Anbar province, according to Iraqi army and police sources.

However, contrasting reports say the 30,000 seater stadium was empty of security and military forces-they vacated the stadium a “few days ago”.

“Days after the Iraqi army forces regained control of it, the group blew up the stadium, causing dozens of casualties among the Shiite Popular Mobilization forces who were taking the area as a military base”, he added.

BAGHDAD-Iraqi forces have cut off a major supply line of the Islamic State (ISIS) and besieged many militants in Fallujah, said defense ministry spokesman on Monday.


The US military said on July 18 that it had attacked IS and its military sites near the cities of Tal Afar and Ramadi the previous day.

Airstrikes in Syria File