
Legionnaires’ disease outbreak in New York, 2 dead

This image shows Legionella colonies growing on a Petri dish.


The New York City Department of Health says it’s investigating an outbreak of Legionnaire’s disease in the South Bronx. There have also been two deaths reported in patients with Legionnaires’ disease in these neighborhoods. Since January 1st, only 2,200 cases of Legionnaire’s have been reported across the nation. Both are now being disinfected, he and the New York City Health Commissioner, Dr. Mary Travis Bassett, said. The Health Department urged anyone experiencing symptoms to seek immediate medical attention. Some people may also have headaches, fatigue, loss of appetite, confusion or diarrhea.

As part of the investigation, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene investigators found Legionella bacterium-which causes the disease-in rooftop cooling towers atop buildings located several blocks apart.

In many cases, Legionnaires’ disease outbreaks have been linked to cooling towers, which provide the ideal environment for the deadly bacteria.

The recent outbreak in the Bronx, where residents already have high rates of asthma, is the second in the borough this year. “This particular outbreak is still under investigation, so we have an evolving situation…in which the numbers may change”, Bassett said at a City Hall press conference Wednesday.

Legionnaire’s disease is a severe form of pneumonia caused by the bacteria Legionella, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Symptoms typically appear 10 days after exposure.

Symptoms resemble other types of pneumonia and can include fever, chills, muscle aches and cough. As it is not contagious in this way, it is usually easier to treat than other diseases.

Legionnaires’ disease was first identified in 1976 when more than 200 people attending an American Legion convention at a Philadelphia hotel were sickened and 34 of them died. But smokers, people with a weak immune system, lung disease patients, children, and the elderly should be extra careful since they are at the highest risk.

In addition Bill de Blasio who is the mayor of New York city said that the people should get medical treatment as soon as possible so that they can get rid of this sickness’ symptoms easily.


“Seek care early, don’t put it off, go to your doctor”, Bassett said.

Health News