
Leonardo DiCaprio doppelganger Konrad Annerud goes viral

Annerud’s strong resemblance to Leo is truly uncanny.


It looks like our semi-successful wish came true in the body of 21-year-old Konrad Annerud, a Swedish bartender whose likeness to the ’90s actor is close enough to the real thing that if you squint, he’s halfway there.

Leonardo DiCaprio, 40, might have just discovered his long lost little brother… or son.

Annerud shares DiCaprio’s facial features, from his forehead and chin to the strikingly similar heavy, dark eyebrows. His Instagram is filled with moody shots of him posing and showing off his Leo-esque profile.

He told the Swedish site nyheter24 that he is often called “Leo” while working as a bartender at a nightclub.

“It is much worse when I am overseas”, he told

It appears that the most frenzied moments for Annerud occur when he is traveling, and hordes of strangers-unaware that a Jack Dawson exists I.R.L.-go insane, crowding the modest barman and presumably wondering whether they’ve wandered into a few portal into 90s Hollywood.

“‘When I was in Italy this summer I nearly felt like shaving my hair off. It was very chaotic”, he said.

Still, he says, “It’s fun to look like him”. People shouted ‘Leo!’ and want to take pictures all the time.


You can see more of Annerud on his Instagram account.

Leonardo DiCaprio Has A Doppelgänger, So Catch Him If You Can