
Lesbian TV psychic Miss Cleo dies a decade after coming out

She entered into hospice care last week. “She remained a pillar of strength throughout”.


“She has touched so many lives, both within her family and in the community“, the statement from her attorney reads.

So one day I’m in line to pay my phone bill, and there was Jamaican woman there, and we were chatting, and she goes [heavy patois accent], “You know who ya favor?” The ads stopped after the Psychic Readers Network sued, saying it owned the character.

She would focus on the tarot cards, ask questions and sometimes offer advice. Harris said to the interviewer that people often believed that she had more money than God.

Some of her South Florida followers said she lived in Miami Beach and later in Southwest Ranches. “I had a bad contract”.

Lexus Holloway similarly remarked the star was gone too soon, reflecting on her commercials. It was still a better deal than the 14 cents per minute that her supposedly clairvoyant colleagues took in, she reasoned.

“I come from a family of Obeah – which is another word for voodoo”, she told Vice. “Look how I made em nervous, niggas is shakin, I know they fakin’ / Okay you a killer right, and Miss Cleo is Jamaican / And Bob Marley is Haitian and me and Beyonce datin'”, Cole rapped on his 2012 single. “I speak flawless English”, she continued. In 2002, the Federal Trade Commission charged the owners and promoters with deceptive business, advertising and collection practices, and the company eventually settled.


In addition, Miss Cleo also provided voice work for the 2002 video game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City once her career as a TV psychic ended. She was featured in infomercials under the name Cleo and claimed that she was speaking to listeners from Jamaica. Born and raised in Los Angeles, she attended a Catholic school, and, during an interview with The Advocate, she cites how her godson was instrumental in her decision to come out publicly. She also said that she still had clients from all around the world. “That was really intense”, she said. Fans took to social media to reminisce on the times they had called Miss Cleo in hopes of learning what the future may have in store.