
Leslie Jones’ Personal Information & iCloud Hack Being Investigated By Homeland Security

After Wednesday’s hack, celebrity friends and fans, including Katy Perry, Alyssa Milano and Ghostbusters director Paul Feig, took to social media to show their support for Leslie. A DHS spokesperson had this to say on Thursday.


“US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) in NY has an open investigation into this matter”, Catron said in a statement.

The Feds weren’t open to saying much else on the investigation.

The FBI also investigated the attack on Oscar victor Jennifer Lawrence, whose naked pictures were exposed in 2014, also allegedly from her Apple iCloud account.

ICE Public Affairs Officer Rachael Yong Yow said the agency does not release information related to active investigations.

Since the hack, her website,, has been taken down. The attacks prompted Jones to temporarily leave the platform. Others insist that the hack may have been retaliation for Breitbart columnist Milo Yiannopoulos being suspended from Twitter last month, due to his part in an extended Twitter attack on Jones last month.

“I’m not stupid to not know racism exists”, Jones wrote on Twitter.

The Department of Homeland Security said it was looking into the breach, which saw the comedienne’s personal information including her driving licence and passport published on the site.


Jones announced she was leaving Twitter because of the trolls, leading Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to reach out to her.

Leslie Jones website hacked in apparent racist cyberattack